알파벳 "d"アルファベットの"d"Alphabet : d
라고 읽습니다.アルファベットの
と読みます。The Alphabet "d" sounds [di:].
연습하다 보면
간단히 외울수 있습니다.どんどん練習するうち、
すぐ覚えますIt's a piece of cake.
I know that You already knew
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써봐요~書いてLet's Write it!
사진으로 배워요~写真で覚えましょう〜Look At the Pictures!
'd'는はand'에이치 (エイチ)'입니까ですか:Are they the same
'duck'어느 쪽입니까どちらですかWhich one is right
donut어느 쪽입니까どちらですかWhich one is right
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Many English descriptions were made based on the Google translation ai.