받침 "ㄹ"バッチムの「ㄹ」Batchim "ㄹ"
받침에 "ㄹ"이 오면
"ㄹ" 그대로 발음합니다.「バッチム」に
「ㄹ」(そのまま)に発音します。When "ㄹ"
comes to "Batchim",
it sounds "ㄹ" (as original).
자음+모음 "무"와
받침 "ㄹ"이
"물"으로 발음됩니다.
"ㅁ"(m) + "ㅜ"(oo) + "ㄹ"(l) = "물"(mool)子音母音「무」と
「ㅁ」(m) + 「ㅜ」(oo) + 「ㄹ」(l) = 「물」(mool)If syllabel "무" with
Batchim "ㄹ" combines
it is pronounced [mool].
"ㅁ"(m) + "ㅜ"(oo) + "ㄹ"(l) = "물"(mool)
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Many English descriptions were made based on the Google translation ai.