왕초보 회화 표현1初心者の会話表現1Essentials for Beginners1
Ko (M) En (M)커피 주세요
Coffee, please
Ko (M) En (M)여기요
Here you go
Ko (M) En (M)자, 여기 있어요
Here you are
Ko (M) En (M)문제없어요
No problem
Ko (M) En (M)실례합니다
Excuse me
Ko (M) En (M)미안해요
Ko (M) En (M)알겠어요?
Do you understand?
Ko (M) En (M)모르겠어요
I don't understand / I don't know
Ko (M) En (M)알아요
I understand
Ko (M) En (M)네, 알았어요
Yes, I got it
Ko (M) En (M)고마워요
Thank you
Ko (M) En (M)괜찮아요
You're welcome
Ko (M) En (M)아니요, 싫어요
No, thank you
Ko (M) En (M)다시 한번 말해 주세요
Ko (M) En (M)죄송하지만, 한번 더!
One more time please!
Ko (M) En (M)잠깐만 기다려 주세요
Just a moment
Ko (M) En (M)괜찮으세요?
Are you OK?
Ko (M) En (M)정말이에요?
Ko (M) En (M)괜찮아요
I'm fine
Ko (M) En (M)공부하던 곳을 저장 또는 공유하기勉強中の所を保存もしくはシェアするSave or Share your study to
보다 나은 코즈펜을 만들어 가기 위해 같이 도와 주세요.
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Many English descriptions were made based on the Google translation ai.