왕초보 회화 표현5初心者の会話表現5Essentials for Beginners5
This is a gift for you
Ko (M) En (M)선물 고맙습니다
Thank you for the gift
Ko (M) En (M)갖고 싶던 것이에요
It's just what I wanted
Ko (M) En (M)좋아해줘서 기뻐요
I'm happy that you like it
Ko (M) En (M)해냈군요
You did it
Ko (M) En (M)합격 축하 드려요
Congratulations on passing
Ko (M) En (M)행운을 빌어요
Good luck
Ko (M) En (M)멋진데요
It's fantastic
Ko (M) En (M)엄청 잘 하시네요
You're really good at that
Ko (M) En (M)영어를 잘 하시네요
Your English is very good
Ko (M) En (M)결혼 축하합니다
Congratulations on your wedding
Ko (M) En (M)퇴원 축하합니다
Congratulations on leaving the hospital
Ko (M) En (M)다 잘 되기를 바랍니다
I wish you all the best
Ko (M) En (M)참 잘 했어요
You're doing great
Ko (M) En (M)정말 부러워요
I envy you
Ko (M) En (M)정말 친절하시네요
You're so kind
Ko (M) En (M)뭐든지 다 잘하네요
You do everything well
Ko (M) En (M)정말 맛있네요!
It tastes great!
Ko (M) En (M)하나 더 먹어도 돼요?
Can I have another one?
Ko (M) En (M)공부하던 곳을 저장 또는 공유하기勉強中の所を保存もしくはシェアするSave or Share your study to
보다 나은 코즈펜을 만들어 가기 위해 같이 도와 주세요.
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Many English descriptions were made based on the Google translation ai.