인사와 소개 1挨拶と紹介 1Greetings and Introductions 1
안녕하세요? 처음 뵙겠습니다.
Hello? Nice to meet you.
Ko (M) En (M)이름이 뭐에요?
What's your name?
Ko (M) En (M)다나카 케이라고 해요
My name is Kei Tanaka
Ko (M) En (M)김 유리라고 해요
My name is Yulee Kim
Ko (M) En (M)유리라고 불러 주세요
Please call me Yulee
Ko (M) En (M)만나서 반가워요!
It's a pleasure to meet you
Ko (M) En (M)저도 반가워요!
The pleasure is mine
Ko (M) En (M)좋은 친구가 되고 싶어요
I want to be good friends for you
Ko (M) En (M)사이 좋게 지내요
Let's get along well
Ko (M) En (M)저는 지민 입니다
I'm Jimin
Ko (M) En (M)여기 제 명함이에요
Here's my namecard
Ko (M) En (M)제 친구를 소개할게요
I'd like you to meet my friend
Ko (M) En (M)이쪽은 제임스 씨에요
This is Mr James
Ko (M) En (M)이쪽은 제 부인 안나에요
This is my wife, Anna
Ko (M) En (M)말씀 많이 들었어요
I've heard so much about you
Ko (M) En (M)만나 뵙고 싶었어요
I've been looking forward to meeting you
Ko (M) En (M)어디에서 오셨어요?
Where're you from?
Ko (M) En (M)도쿄에서 왔어요
I'm from Tokyo
Ko (M) En (M)공부하던 곳을 저장 또는 공유하기勉強中の所を保存もしくはシェアするSave or Share your study to
보다 나은 코즈펜을 만들어 가기 위해 같이 도와 주세요.
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Many English descriptions were made based on the Google translation ai.