인사와 소개 2挨拶と紹介 2Greetings and Introductions 2
Are you Japanese?
Ko (M) En (M)아니요, 일본인이 아니에요
No I'm not Japanese
Ko (M) En (M)국적이 어디에요?
What's your nationality?
Ko (M) En (M)필리핀이에요
I'm Filipino
Ko (M) En (M)몇 살이세요?
How old are you?
Ko (M) En (M)저는 30살이에요
I'm 30 years old
Ko (M) En (M)그 나이로 보이지 않아요
You don't look your age
Ko (M) En (M)동갑이네요!
We are the same age!
Ko (M) En (M)저보다 2살 아래시네요
You're two years younger than I am
Ko (M) En (M)생일이 언제에요?
When is your birthday?
Ko (M) En (M)생일은 5월 2일이에요
My birthday is May 2nd
Ko (M) En (M)몇 년생이세요?
What year were you born?
Ko (M) En (M)1980년생이에요
I was born in 1980
Ko (M) En (M)나이에 비해 어려 보여요
You look young for your age
Ko (M) En (M)어디에 살아요?
Where do you live?
Ko (M) En (M)저는 도쿄에 살아요
I live in Tokyo
Ko (M) En (M)정확히 어디에 살아요?
Where exactly do you live?
Ko (M) En (M)신쥬쿠에 살아요
I live in Shinjuku
Ko (M) En (M)그 근처에 살아요
I live near there
Ko (M) En (M)계속 여기서 살고 있어요
I've lived here all my life
Ko (M) En (M)공부하던 곳을 저장 또는 공유하기勉強中の所を保存もしくはシェアするSave or Share your study to
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Many English descriptions were made based on the Google translation ai.