인사와 소개 3挨拶と紹介 3Greetings and Introductions 3
혼자 살아요?
Do you live alone?
Ko (M) En (M)부모님과 같이 살아요
I live with my parents
Ko (M) En (M)가족이 몇 명 있어요?
How many people are in your family?
Ko (M) En (M)아버지, 어머니, 남동생 그리고 저에요
My father, mother, younger brother and myself
Ko (M) En (M)형제자매가 있어요?
Do you have any siblings?
Ko (M) En (M)저 혼자입니다
I'm an only child
Ko (M) En (M)아이는 있어요?
Do you have any kids?
Ko (M) En (M)아이는 3명 있어요
I have three kids
Ko (M) En (M)쌍둥이가 있어요
We have twins
Ko (M) En (M)아이는 아직 없어요
We don't have kids yet
Ko (M) En (M)아이들은 독립했어요
Our kids are grown
Ko (M) En (M)키가 크네요
You're tall
Ko (M) En (M)키가 얼마에요?
How tall are you?
Ko (M) En (M)190 센티미터 입니다
190 centimeters
Ko (M) En (M)날씬하네요
You're thin
Ko (M) En (M)살이 좀 빠진 것 같아요
I think I've lost weight
Ko (M) En (M)몸무게가 얼마에요?
How much do you weigh?
Ko (M) En (M)아니, 그런 실례되는 질문을!
What a rude question!
Ko (M) En (M)45 킬로 그램입니다
I weigh 45 kilograms
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Many English descriptions were made based on the Google translation ai.