인사와 소개 5挨拶と紹介 5Greetings and Introductions 5
로맨틱 코미디를 좋아해요
I like romantic comedies
Ko (M) En (M)다 좋아해요. 고전, 액션, 코미디, 뮤지컬
All kinds. Classics, action, comedies, musical
Ko (M) En (M)좋아하는 배우는 누구에요?
Who's your favorite actor?
Ko (M) En (M)톰 크루즈의 열렬한 팬이에요
I'm a big fan of Tom Cruise
Ko (M) En (M)책 읽는 것 좋아해요?
Do you like reading books?
Ko (M) En (M)네, 독서를 좋아해요
Yes, I do. I like reading books.
Ko (M) En (M)한달에 3권 정도 읽는것 같아요
I think I read about 3 books in a month
Ko (M) En (M)운동은 좋아해요?
Do you like sports?
Ko (M) En (M)등산은 자주 해요?
How often do you go hiking?
Ko (M) En (M)매 주말, 산에 갑니다
I go to hiking every weekend
Ko (M) En (M)누구랑 등산해요?
Who do you usually go hiking with?
Ko (M) En (M)보통 친구랑 같이 가요
I usually go with my friends
Ko (M) En (M)또 이야기 해요
Talk to you soon!
Ko (M) En (M)연락하고 지내요
Let's keep in touch
Ko (M) En (M)즐거웠어요! 잘 지내세요!
Nice talking to you! Take care!
Ko (M) En (M)또 봐요! 잘가요!
See you soon! Good bye!
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보다 나은 코즈펜을 만들어 가기 위해 같이 도와 주세요.
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Many English descriptions were made based on the Google translation ai.