흔한 개발자의 하루 -3-よくある開発者の1日 -3-A typical day of a programmer -3-
"By when?"
Ko (M) En (M)"되도록이면 오늘까지!"
"If possible, by today!"
Ko (M) En (M)"내일까지?"
"Until tomorrow?"
Ko (M) En (M)"오늘까지!"
"By today!"
Ko (M) En (M)"네, 알았어요."
"Ok, I got it."
Ko (M) En (M)어쩔수 없죠.
It's inevitable.
Ko (M) En (M)점심도 못 먹었네.
I did not have lunch.
Ko (M) En (M)아까 것은 보고하자!
Let's report the earlier one!
Ko (M) En (M)"사장님! 버그 해결 했어요."
"Boss! I've fixed the bug."
Ko (M) En (M)"해냈구나!"
"You did it!"
Ko (M) En (M)배에서 꼬르륵 소리가 난다.
My stomach is growling.
Ko (M) En (M)사장님은 말했다.
The boss said.
Ko (M) En (M)"오늘 저녁은 내가 쏜다."
"I'll treat you to dinner today."
Ko (M) En (M)"오늘도 잘 부탁해."
"I'll rely on you today as well."
Ko (M) En (M)'집에 가지 말아' 라는 말이다.
It means I shouldn't go home.
Ko (M) En (M)"뭐가 먹고 싶어?"
"What do you want to eat?"
Ko (M) En (M)"호텔 요리요."
I would like to eat hotel food.
Ko (M) En (M)"장난 하나?"
"Are you kidding me?"
Ko (M) En (M)"그거 빼고 뭐든 말만 해."
"Anything but that."
Ko (M) En (M)"잘 모르겠어요."
"I'm not sure."
Ko (M) En (M)밥맛이 없어졌어요.
I lost my appetite.
Ko (M) En (M)물론 혼잣말 입니다.
Of course, I'm talking to myself.
Ko (M) En (M)그리고, 모처럼의 주말...
And the weekend came after a long time.
Ko (M) En (M)"카톡!"
"Beep! Beep!"
* Korean Common MessangerKo (M) En (M)"그 버그가 되살아 났어."
"That bug came back."
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Many English descriptions were made based on the Google translation ai.