호텔 3ホテル 3At the hotel 3
패스워드가 필요한가요?
Do I need to enter password?
Ko (M) En (M)네 영수증에 있습니다.
Yes, You can find it on your receipt.
Ko (M) En (M)아침 6시부터 10시까지 가능합니다.
From six to ten in the morning.
Ko (M) En (M)아침 식사는 어디서 해요?
Where is breakfast served?
Ko (M) En (M)체크아웃은 언제예요?
What is the check-out time?
Ko (M) En (M)더 빨리 체크인해도 돼요?
Can I check-in earlier?
Ko (M) En (M)환전할 수 있어요?
Can I get my money exchanged?
Ko (M) En (M)관광안내소는 어디예요?
Where is the tourist information office?
Ko (M) En (M)귀중품을 맡기고 싶어요.
Could you keep my valuables for me?
Ko (M) En (M)열쇠 좀 맡아 주세요.
Could you keep my key for me?
Ko (M) En (M)방을 청소해 주세요.
My room needs to be cleaned, please.
Ko (M) En (M)죄송합니다. 바로 청소해 드리겠습니다.
I'm sorry. I'll see to it right away.
Ko (M) En (M)죄송합니다만, 방 번호를 잊어버렸어요.
Excuse me, but I've forgotten my room number.
Ko (M) En (M)세탁을 부탁합니다.
Could I have these washed, please?
Ko (M) En (M)수건을 더 주세요.
Could I have more towels?
Ko (M) En (M)공부하던 곳을 저장 또는 공유하기勉強中の所を保存もしくはシェアするSave or Share your study to
보다 나은 코즈펜을 만들어 가기 위해 같이 도와 주세요.
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Many English descriptions were made based on the Google translation ai.